Magic and Hope in the Nines // January 9 and 16


Magic and Hope in the Nines // January 9 and 16


Thursdays, January 9 and 16 / 7:00-8:30 PM CST*

If you joined me for the Magic & Hope in the Nines preview in December or saw my recent blog post, you know that nines keep popping up in my life. I’m interested in how these energies can help us take comfort, embrace change, and say no to whatever is holding us back in our creative lives and ongoing evolution.

In December, we discussed Nine of Cups and Hermit, and we will continue the exploration of nine energy in January.

You do not need any previous study or Tarot experience to attend these sessions. A recorded option is available—simply let me know once you register.

In this two-part series we will:

  • Revisit Nine of Cups and acquaint ourselves with the other nines in the Minor Arcana—Nine of Wands, Nine of Swords, and Nine of Pentacles

  • Find comfort, creative inspiration, and encouragement in the nines

  • Explore all that is cool and quirky in Hermit energy

  • Explore all that is rebellious and wildly creative in Hermit energy

  • Enjoy guided writing inspired by art and/or literary insight

  • Find inspiration to draft and/or revise work with the nines

*Magic & The Nines is nonrefundable. The class is limited to 20 registrants. A limited-time recording will be available for folks who can’t make it in real time.

Cancellation Policy: All classes require at least five registered writers to move forward. If the class is in danger of not happening, I will inform you as early as possible. 

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